Sunday, August 20, 2006

A bit about me!

Okay, I have already told you that I do exist, and that I'm a frogenlander. If you were smart, you'd know that I am fourteen, and that I am a girl. If you knew me, you'd know that I own the cutest dog in the world, and that I read a lot. If you were observant, you'd know that I am random and crazy.

Very good! we have now covered everything you do know about me. now for what you don't know.

I Live in an Insane Asylum. Actually, I am the Head of the Insane Asylum! And it is generally called a mad house, at leat by the inhabitants.

I Sing voraciously. Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Psalms, and Anything that Pops into my head. I also sing very loudly.

I have a lot of fun. here in the Mad House we have quite a few in-jokes that are very hilarious.

Now, I have realized a couple more things that you might have already been able to tell. First, I have a couple sisters and a couple brothers. Second, I like Star Trek. Third, I do online things.

That's about all that I think you absolutely need to know about me, so, tally ho!!!


Avalon said...

Comtess! I am Shocked and Horrified that You forgot to mension; you like to walk around wal-mart grinning like a crazy person for no particular reason.

Elsa Ruth said...

oops... Sorry, O Great Queen. Be it Hereby Known that Comtess Thal Like to Walk around Wal-Mart Grinning Like a Crazy Person!

Hey, Max!!