Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Comtess' Log

Well, my plan has not been initiated yet, but I am thinking on it. Right this moment, I am

1. Sitting on the sofa.
2. Watching Baseball - the Marlins and the Braves are tied.
3. Dotti and I are playing HuggerMugger (a word game)
4. I am very warm.
5. I am blogging.
6. I will soon nibble something.

Six random things about Me Right Now! Or, at least Right Then!

Six Random Things About Me In General:

1. I like ice cream
2. I have played most sports
3. I can make the most dull things sound interesting.
4. I am five foot six - I think.
5. I don't drink root beer.
6. I always spell everything right. Most of the time.


Anonymous said...

Wait... how do you sit on the sofa, watch a game, and blog at the same time?

Anonymous said...

Your third random thing is very true. *nods*

~molly said...

my dear, I always spell everything right too--except when I don't :P

Elsa Ruth said...

Droido, it is very simple. Get a laptop, have a blog, and don't care too much about the game. ;)

Max, I have been told that by numerous people, so I thought I should put it in.

We have another thing in common, Mo! Exciting!!