Saturday, December 29, 2007


I decided to switch things up this time, and to get all you adoring blog-fans guessing here. am I really writing this post, or is it Phillippe? Why would Phillippe post on my blog? Is Phillippe a boy or a girl? Who is Phillippe, anyway? These are all questions that the observant Blog-Reader ought to be asking themselves just now. To keep this Lively, I am going to keep you guessing. which, in all reality, is downright cruel of me, I know, but it's rather fun.

First off, I'm getting some bad vibes from the comment section in the future if a keep up on this track (pay no attention to my random sayings -- they mean nothing. Really!) SOO, in order to keep up my Good Reputation, I am going to tell you something. About Phillippe. Or rather, I WAS going to tell you about Phillippe, but just now I've forgotten whatever it was that I was going to say. So, bear with me.

Secondly, I was going to tell you all a little bit about my. . . ethnicity, as it were. You see, it turns out that My Whole Family (which does most definitely include myself) are Banana Nut Muffins. Now, you may be wondering what exactly that means. Well, you are probably going to have to keep wondering for a good long while, because I really don't know very well myself.

The more important question you Adoring Blog People should be asking is this:
Are My Family Members (Along with Myself, of course!) Banana Nut Muffins??
Well, all that I can say is that is a very good question. Maybe you should take a look at your family these next couple days. Observe their behaviour -- they might very well be Banana Nut Muffins. The Important thing to do, if this is in fact the case, is this: DO NOT EAT THEM!! I you do eat them, you will be in VERY, and I repeat, VERY big trouble. So just don't.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Me again!

Really, who else would it be?

The other night I had a strange and discombobulating dream about -- well there's the hitch. I don't really know what it was about. But this one evil lady who made a grand and dramatic appearance in it has stuck in my mind. So, I'm filling in what little I have with information that makes sense. I'm trying not to rush it, so that it doesn't become old or dumb or anything bad like that, but I don't want to let it wait too long, otherwise it might just die. Although, I'm now worried that, having told all you about this it will die anyway. Ah well, it just seems that I am in a lose-lose situation.

On other news, I have started Ben Hur, and I am in -- let's see... what was it? -- Chapter Four or Five. it is quite interesting, but I think I just need some time before I get into another big story -- Hunchback left me... feeling empty. and wanting to write something better. That seems to be the effect that great works of art have on me -- I want to outdo them, or even just do something half as good. Because I want to. because I feel like I can. But every time I try, I burn out way too quickly. It's really quite depressing.

On a happier note, the brothers will soon both be back for Christmas -- no one has died (rather a common occurrence in my life, as I am finding *wink at Han*) and practice for the Shakespeare competition is starting up. We've mostly all picked our scenes -- I'm doing a rather splendid scene from the end of Midsummer Night's Dream that consists of the people putting on the play. It's really funny -- I just hope we can pull it off -- and that we have lots of fun doing so.

With that Cheerful Note, I will sign off!! Comtess Rosie Out!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

C'est Moi!

All right, I know that (for some of you) that title creates certain images, or rather, lyrics, to pop right into the head, but that is not what I was really intending when I typed it, and it just fits too well for me to change it. Besides, I cannot come up with anything else to put in there, so why not just leave it? -- Because it makes you think of a bad Kingdom Stealing Wretch who Couldn't even Sing and so Should not Have been Cast in a Rather Important Role in a Musical -- Well, I'll just have to tell you -- that is not a good enough reason to make me change it. besides, you haven't given me anything better, so it stays.

Now, the whole point of this blog post is not to rave on about the title and Lancelot and Camelot etc. etc. etc. (we aren't going to go there -- do not worry. I have a plan -- just hang tight.) It may seem like this whole thing has no point, but just remember that appearances may be deceiving. So, what I was intending to write about before I put in the title which led us down a rather dull bunny trail -- or is it rabbit trail? I'll stop.

What I was GOING to say was that I finished Hunchback of Notre Dame. It is a very good book, even though it is definitely rated... well, probably older than me. but we're not going to go into that. I just kind of read on when that happened. It is a really good book. Despite the fact that everyone who died did so in a rather horrific manner. I'm not going to go into that either. We had enough of disturbing things in English Class this year, I don't want to inflict anything else on anybody. And the people swore a lot. but they swore in French, so I am not exactly plagued by that as much as... I might have been. I kind of said 'oh! another swear word in French!' and then went on.

Anyway... the book was really good. it was quite tragic however. I did not know before hand whether it had a happy ending or a sad ending, so I was kind of disappointed. I mean, I like tragic stories, but really, something with a happy ending just leaves you feeling happier! Which really goes without saying. But this was better than some books, because Victor Hugo had set it up in a position that the characters you cared about would be happier dead than alive, so it was just better this way. The sad part about that was that the one character actually did kill himself... which is just wrong. I was happy that it wasn't a suicide or anything. it was different... which sounds funny, I know, but i will not go into details. I don't like spoiling things for people.

So, I finished it. it's really funny that every time I finish a book that has taken rather a lot of time to get through I feel empty. every time, I just don't know what to do with myself. sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or to cry... I wasn't tempted to laugh this time. but it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Now I want to write something better -- something were the guys have good morals, good habits, good thoughts. where they save the girls, who don't always necessarily fall for the guy, just because he's there and he's handsome. where they all believe in God, and live their lives accordingly. I just can't seem to channel all my ideas into one plot... it would really random. which isn't necessarily bad, but it isn't what I want to achieve when I feel like this...

Ah well. I am just going to have to deal with it and go on. The Next Great Classic on my list -- Ben Hur! I have no idea what's going to happen in it, except that there's a chariot race *winks @ Han* if you don't understand, Han, just post a comment, and I'll explain. if you do, Post a comment to show you get it. *wink*

have a great Night, and then, after it's over, I hope you all have a Great Friday!

Monday, December 03, 2007


My electronics have all decided that they want to just be mean to me these past couple days. My mp3 player doesn't play if I am moving, I have to sit completely still, or it will turn itself off. My phone has decided that randomly shutting itself of is really fun, and so I missed a call today!! I am having difficulties logging in to anything that I have not saved my password in (ie -- EVERYTHING!). I couldn't remember my password or here, so I had it SEND me an EMAIL to my GMAIL address!!!. Which is really dumb, because the password for Gmail is the SAME as the password for here. SO, I couldn't get IN!! I had to change my password to Gmail just to get in, so as to get my password for here, which would have then changed to what I changed my Gmail to!! It's just wrong...
Also, I had to do geography today, and that dumb book is full of sentence fragments and non-sequiturs, and it's driving me up the wall!!!

On a side note, I would greatly enjoy writing an original story about some kind of animal, such as foxes, or some such creature. The problem with that is that I really don't like such stories when I see them in book stores. They get really old, when you have the same things happening to diferent creatures... So, I'll just sit on this idea for now. That means that it will not get anywhere... Anyway, that is why I have attached the picture you ought to have seen by now. aren't foxes beautiful?