Monday, December 17, 2007

Me again!

Really, who else would it be?

The other night I had a strange and discombobulating dream about -- well there's the hitch. I don't really know what it was about. But this one evil lady who made a grand and dramatic appearance in it has stuck in my mind. So, I'm filling in what little I have with information that makes sense. I'm trying not to rush it, so that it doesn't become old or dumb or anything bad like that, but I don't want to let it wait too long, otherwise it might just die. Although, I'm now worried that, having told all you about this it will die anyway. Ah well, it just seems that I am in a lose-lose situation.

On other news, I have started Ben Hur, and I am in -- let's see... what was it? -- Chapter Four or Five. it is quite interesting, but I think I just need some time before I get into another big story -- Hunchback left me... feeling empty. and wanting to write something better. That seems to be the effect that great works of art have on me -- I want to outdo them, or even just do something half as good. Because I want to. because I feel like I can. But every time I try, I burn out way too quickly. It's really quite depressing.

On a happier note, the brothers will soon both be back for Christmas -- no one has died (rather a common occurrence in my life, as I am finding *wink at Han*) and practice for the Shakespeare competition is starting up. We've mostly all picked our scenes -- I'm doing a rather splendid scene from the end of Midsummer Night's Dream that consists of the people putting on the play. It's really funny -- I just hope we can pull it off -- and that we have lots of fun doing so.

With that Cheerful Note, I will sign off!! Comtess Rosie Out!

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